[Salon] Pink Floyd's Roger Waters Webinar August 8, 2022

Sorry to share information of this again but some people here will want to attend this, I should think. Not because I’m one of the hosts along with World Beyond War’s David Swanson, but because Roger must be considered a genuine foreign policy expert, and has been for decades. Anyone who attended the Committee for the Republic’s zoom Salon with Ted Postol a few months ago will appreciate that Roger is not just a “rock star,” but also an extremely knowledgeable expert on foreign policy and authoritarianism, having been actively engaged in the study of each going back decades, as seen/heard in his articulation of those issues in his compositions going back at least to “Us and Them” in 1973, and then “Animals” when he sung of the world as Orwell wrote of it. 

This video is from 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8G9GIDHols
and he hasn’t lost anything since then, as I can attest from his concert last Saturday, and from a conversation I had with him at the Israel conference in DC earlier this year (me, that’s another matter). And he was one of only a few who knew that Trump had taken us into a war with Iran with his co-belligerent Netanyahu and Israel in launching a “clandestine” war against Iran almost immediately upon taking office, as the NYT would finally report a couple years ago. While others were declaring "Trump had ended the endless wars,” or other such nonsense, all while boosting military spending beyond any rational number making it clear to the Russians/Chinese that they were “next,” as we accomplished our mission of making the Mideast a wasteland. 

Fortunately that “war” didn’t rise above the level of what the U.S. military once called “Low-Intensity Conflict,” which is all-out war for those attacked, but Roger was right on point that a state of war existed. And he was one of only a few courageous people who called for an end of the saber rattling against Russia that so many people were engaged in, in trying to bring on WW III, I guess. But those are topics to be discussed in this Webinar with him. 

Covid interrupted the schedule announced here but all else is correct in this: 

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